wiaw # 22 – i’m back!
Hello everyone! Wow it feels like ages since I’ve written a post! Why you might ask? I switched over to my very own self-hosted blog! I’m pretty excited about it, even though it didn’t go down without...
View Articlewiaw #23- the universe is laughing
Here we are again my friends, another week since the last What I Ate Wednesday come and gone and I have no idea what happened to it. The summer is just flying by, I don’t even remember July! The other...
View Articlewiaw #24- anti-candida eats
Well here we are again, Wednesday! This past week has been an interesting one that’s for sure. My eating patterns have changed quite a bit over the couple weeks, mainly the result of trying some...
View Articlecarrot cake chia pudding
Hello my baby carrots! So today I decided to do something a little different for What I Ate Wednesday. While it’s a blog party that I love, I’ve been finding lately I just haven’t been feeling it, at...
View Articlewiaw- random foodie photos
Hello everyone! Wow, it’s been so long since we all chatted! Life once again got in the way of blogging, I’ve just been so busy and living life became the priority. Well that and school and work ;)...
View Articlecoconut and almond crusted french toast {v}
hello friends! it’s been a while since i came out to the what i ate wednesday (wiaw) party. i took a break for a while for reasons i outlined in this post, but i feel ready to jump back in and i’m...
View Articlewiaw #29- sugar-free week 4
happy wednesday pumpkins! well here we are everyone, midway through my fourth week of the 8 week no sugar pre-christmas challenge! not going to lie, it’s been getting tough! all the holiday recipes i...
View Articlewiaw #30- welcoming back some sweetness
hello everyone! sorry i’ve been absent from the blogging world for a while. i have been so busy lately it seems like there has been no time for sleeping let alone blogging. but i finally got a night...
View Articlewiaw- a delicious liquid, mush and stew
It's been a while since I participated in What I Ate Wednesday and to be honest, it never crossed my mind! But on the request of a reader and friend I decided it was time to do another one! The past...
View Articlewiaw and a vegan delish review and giveaway!
Hello lovelies! Today I’m so excited because not only do I have a day of delicious eats to share with you all, BUT I also get to show off the lovely Carrie’s app Vegan Delish and give a free download...
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